Saturday, February 28, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Designer Call for Cotton Candy Kreations


Take a peek about the store
We would love to see ya there!!!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

PostHeaderIcon What a Day

First off I want to give credit where credit is due.
Amber has made it right for me and payed me the
monies I was owed from US4T.

Now..what a week...I have been on a creative slump...
mostly due to my pc acting like a piece of crap.
It would freeze up if I had more than 3 windows open and
God forbid if I tried to psp or open PS. I had Pando on here
and removed it. It was like my computer said TY....and
started acting better almost immediately. I then ordered
another MB of memory for it and now it's zipping right along.
So..since it's only recommended that is old pc should have 2 MB's
of memory..I have another one ordered and hopefully it will
be here about Wednesday of next week. I so can't hardly
wait. This is worse than Christmas.

I have also been running like a mad woman all week with
my Mom. She broke her wrist last Saturday at my
daughter's skate party. She is actually a good skater
after her first couple of turns around the was
just that some rude little kid decided to go in the wrong
direction and she tripped over him trying not to run into
him. She had surgery on it today and the doc inserted
some screws into it. I can now say she is really "screwy"
and totally get away with it now..hehehe! So for the
next few weeks, I will definitely be at her beck and call.
Believe me, she secretly loves it.

Well..I guess I just needed to blog a bit. I have my
Project 365 Blog I need to work on and get some
photos scrapped. I think I will do that over the weekend.

Huggles to all!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Regarding United Taggers 4 Scraps

Amber aka Bittersweet Designs has apparently left all her designers
at US4T high and dry. New desingers like myself are getting a quick lesson
in being screwed and older designers who apparently gave her a chance
are kicking themselves for putting their faith and trust into a person with
such sorry a$$ values.
The store says it's down for maintenance..but she locked everyone out of FTP
where they cannot check their sales, deleted the CT yahoo group, deleted the
Designer Group AND deleted the Sales Announcement yahoo group. Let's top that off with closing her aol email account and deleting her blog. On the off chance that something horrid had happened I held my peace and kept quiet.
But she has been online with her facebook account found here. Now if you can
be online...then you can communicate with the designers you SCREWED and make things right. She is also chicken$hit in my book to have her so called
husband be the one doing correspondence with the designers who have mailed him. HELLLLLOOOOO>>>>>be a woman...find your big girl panties..puleeezzzz!!! I am not here to be a drama mama..but a spade is a spade and I call it like I see it.

This just confirms my decisions that I had made to leave all stores but one. I will be looking into taking my blog store I have on here with Monica and Eclipse to a store that supports zen cart. At least I know them. So if anyone has any suggestions to a reliable webhost..I am all ears. =)

Monday, February 23, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Awards->Woot at the Cyber-luv!

It's the Oscars on my blog..hehehe...

I have been having the most horrid time posting on blogger

and now these awards have piled up on me..

First off I want to say a hugggggeeee thank you to everyone

who visited my blog and thought me worthy of such sweet

goodies. It truly has brought many smiles to my face. =)


This first award was graciously given to me by Lolita, Lorna

and Nicole.

This seal is given to the blogs, which are very charming... These bloggers, aims to find and be friends.They are not interested in self promotion.This hope is that this trophy when the links are cut,even more friendships are propagated. Give the trophy to eight bloggers,who must choose eight other bloggers and add this text with your trophy.

These Ladies may or may not have recieved this award here goes..

1. Kristin at Wicked Scraps

2. Eclipse at Jaded Delusions

3. Monica at Monica's Sweet Addictions

4. Pimptress at Pimp'd Tag Scraps

5. Dawn at Sugar Kissed Scraps

6. Alane at Alane's Scraps

7. Ali at Designs by Ali

8. QueenBrat at BitsNPieces of QueenBrat Designs


"Look How Cool"

This award was given to me by Bev and Lolita.
Thanx ever so much ladies!!!!! You Rawk!!!!
Here are the rules that apply to this award:
1. Display the image of the stamp "Look How Cool Blog" you just won!
2. Post the blog link provided.
3. Indicate your choice of 10 or so blogs.
4. Let them know.
5. Post the rules.Check if the blogs posted the prize and followed the rules.
Here are my choices:

I am just going to dedicate this to all the wonderful new and old scrappers out in the digi-world that inspire me daily.


Lemonade Award

I recieved this award from Lolita, Dawn and surely does give us lots of

lemons and this award will remind me to always try to look on the bright side of things.

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!

3. Link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blogs. Share the love and link to this post with the person from whom you received your award.
I pass this award onto

1. Lorna

2. Nicole

3. Trish
4. Uchy
5. Leela
6. Sabrina Ferreira
7. Deep
8. Jessica
9. Gina
10. Viv
This awesome award was passed on to me by sylvie...a wonderful treat
from an awesome tagger and tut writer. Thanx ever so much hunny bunny!
I must now pass it along to 5 other blogs.
1. Monica
2. Eclipse
3. Ivory
4. Bev
5. Lolita

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Quick Page Freebie

I can't believe I forgot to add these wonderful shares from
Lisa over at Aleahs Mommy Designs. She did a couple of
beautiful layouts with my Colors of Love Kit (there's a freebie
add-on here on my blog). I also gave her permission to share
her Quick Pages. So mosey on over to her blog and grab them on
up. Be sure to leave her some love if ya do. =)

PostHeaderIcon Tuts-n-Tags with my kits

I wanted to show off these wonderful tags that my
Creative Team have been so wonderful to do up for me..
They are just soooo fabby!!!!
This one is by Bev using my Hearts-N-Roses Kit.
It can be found here.

Here is one by Ivory...she is one busy lady with all the wonderful
tuts that she does up. You may find it on her Tut Blog Here.
It uses my Memories Kit.

And this one is by Lolita..she doesn't write!
It also uses my Memories kit.

WhoooHOOOO ladies...You Rock!!!!!!

PostHeaderIcon Terms Of Usage

Unless otherwise stated my shares are for personal/non-commercial use. The ones that are not will be clearly marked. Group/forum leaders are very welcome to use my shares in daily/weekly challenges. A link to your group when doing would be appreciated in my chat box cuz I am just nosey as to who likes my goodies...but if ya's don't...the world won't end or nothing. Please send to my blog for download links as this is how I know if what I create is appealing to the masses. I would adore to see any creations made with my shares so that I may add them to my gallery/slide show. So if you would like yours added, please drop me an email here. But most of all enjoy what I share as it was created with joy in my heart.
Tut writers: If you want to use any of my shares in your tuts please link to my blog to use my downloads. If you would like to use any of my PTU kits in your tuts, just drop me an email.

Monday, February 16, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Eternity Tut

I wrote this tut last week using Helly's
My Immortal Scrap. You may find it
here at Pink Krush Tuts. =). I hope ya

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

PostHeaderIcon New Template for Ya's

I haven't shared any freebies with ya yet this week and thought
I had better get on the ball. Here is a basic template for you to play with.
You can download it HERE.

Here is a tag I made with it last week. I might write up a tut for it this
weekend. =)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Grand Opening Pink Krush

I am very pleased to announce the opening of my Blog Store
that I Co-Own with Monica and Eclipse. So come check us out
and keep us bookmarked. =)

Friday, February 6, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Cottn Candy Kreations Weekend Sale 30% Off

Cotton Candy Kreations

Store Wide 30%Weekend Sale Happening On
Friday Feb 6 - Sunday Feb 8
See what's new below SPECIAL PROMOTION

Sunday, February 1, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Pink Krush Tuts Official Opening Day!

I am happy to annouce the opening of Pink Krush Tuts.
Me and my friends Eclipse, Monica and India have
thrown in together to host a tut group on Yuku.
We will feature PTU as well as FTU kits, highlight
different scrap designers, share our tips and tricks and
hopefully make tons of new friends along the way.
No participation required. No need to join to view the group.
Just bookmark us and enjoy =).
Go check us out HERE.

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About Me
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Balinda (RebelChick)
Just an everyday girl trying to find my way in the world to live life fiercely and passionately. I was a signature tagger for several years but art journaling has replaced that passion and it feeds my soul creativiely and spiritually. I also homeschool my DD, scrapbook, play around in photography, spoil my cats and drive my hubby insane on a daily basis. My faith in the Lord helps me juggle all these blessings. I keep this blog because it makes me happy. Sometimes I blog a lot and other times it collects a little dust. Thanks for visiting and being my friend.♥
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